Friday, May 19, 2006



I just re-did my blog, which used to be, but is now this. I am tired, and mad, and...ugh. DON'T MARRY ROY.

This is a pretty boring day. No homework (not that I'm complaining) and not a lot of other stuff going on. Plus, it's thursday and there's no new episode of The Office. I miss Jim...

Any way, there's still a lot of The Office fun (sounds like an advertisement) on fanfiction. It's a lot of fun reading, unless you can't read, then sorry. But, it's less boring cause I just got the final season of Six Feet Under, but I'm too giddy with aniticipation for seeing the final episode (which I've already seen) to pay that much attention to what's happening now. Plus I just feel bad for Ruth the whole time...and pretty much everyone else.

Well, this is gonna be a new tradition, starting now, I'll try to do it every week:

**The Jim Spot**

This week we will reminisce one of the first season pranks Jim pulled. When Dwight was looking in his desk to find his stapler, he found that *someone* had put it in Jell-O. "Damnit! He did it again! This is the third time, and the first two weren't funny either," he exclaimed, slamming his fist on the desk. The camera panned to Jim who was eating Jell-O, who replied, "How do you it was me?" With, by the way, the cutest look on his face. Then there are jokes about biggest *flan* and custerdy. It was great, lets remember...


Blogger Mo said...

Awww ***The Jim Spot*** Too Damn [Hot] cute!!


hehe im so bored right now...

10:43 PM  

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