Monday, August 28, 2006


Hello, all. I noticed that when I put my puzzle in part of it was blocked by the side bar, so this is my attempt at fixing that by making a long post. OK, so today I went to Water Street today with Grom and we wrote non-stop (other than eating a lot of food). The sad part is I was there for about 2 and a half hours and I wrote, maybe 400 words. Sad, yes. I am so very full, yet I'm expected to eat dinner at Grom's house in less than an hour. Will I keel over and die? Yes, I will keel over and die, but at least it won't be on an empty stomach.

OK, so here's a kinda joke for everyone, by Jim Gaffagin. "Everyone's so obsessed with bodies. I was at the gym the other day and I could see this one girls ribs when she was working out. Though, the only thing I could think of was 'I haven't had a McRib in forever.'" Hahaha, I love him, Beyond the Pale, check it out.

I have some new words because I make them up.

Barlea - Could be another cool way to spell Barley, but it's also just a cool trend that I've started, that pretty much only I know about yet.

Bootstrapnessity - The existence of Bootstrap Bill Turner, hehe.

Um...that's all I can think of.

Well, ANYWAY, morgan drew an awesome picture, but you can't see it cause it won't load on her blog. And it's not on my computer. Oh WELL. Um, in case anyone noticed, I spelled Redemption wrong on my profile page, I spelled it Redemtion, haha, I'm good.

I want to write a totally dramaful story or book, but I can't think of a dramaful subject that isn't way overused, or just extremely un dramaful Anyway, I shall write a dramaful book, I shall come up with a dramaful name, and I shall make a dramaful cover.

Well, I think this post is long enough, I hope your read wasn't filled with tedium. :)


Blogger Mo said...

Ava, Help me! Lisa is really hyper and keeps sending me nonsence email conversations with her and her cousin. SAVE ME!!!

10:42 PM  

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