Saturday, May 05, 2007

Two Things

Well, three. First, I haven't posted in forever. Second and third,

Bands // Song Titles
Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band::CAKE
Are you female or male::Daria
Describe yourself::Open Book
How do some people feel about you::Tougher Than it Is
How do you feel about yourself::Satan is my Motor
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend::Ain't No Good
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend::World of Two
Describe where you want to be::Mexico
Describe what you want to be::Up So Close
Describe how you live::Waiting
Describe how you love::Is This Love?
Share a few words of wisdom::Friend is a Four Letter Word
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How grammatically correct are you? (Revised with answer key)

You are a GRAMMAR GOD!

Congratulations! If your mission in life is not already to preserve the English tongue, it should be. You can smell a grammatical inaccuracy from fifty yards. Your speech is revered by the underlings, though some may blaspheme and call you a snob. They're just jealous. Go out there and change the world.
Take this quiz!

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There, done.

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Saturday, December 02, 2006

Charlie the Unicorn


PS, I don't like it when people say they're speechless. For obvious reasons. Obviously.

Monday, November 27, 2006


OK, I haven't posted anything in a while, but AHH!!! I found this video online, it's AWESOME. You have to watch The Office to totally get it, but it's still halarious!

Wasn't that awesome!!???!

OK, I've concluded (haha, not really) Harry Potter 4 is the best movie ever! Don't you just love Snape? I do. OK, bye.

WAIT!! House is also an awesome show! Just to tell you!

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Ok, so there's this song by Bloc Party, read the lyrics, it's creepy.

Wake up dreamer
It's happening without you
Cut your hair and shave your beard
You squandered your chances
I'll give you a thousand pounds
To show me how you do it
Stop being so laissez-faire
We're all scared of the future

Been training vipers to come for you
In your dreams to release you
Been training vipers to come for you
In your sleep
And the ravens are leaving the tower
And the ravens are leaving the tower
Make your peace

I've got a taste for blood
Leave the weak, leave the young
I've got a taste for blood
I'm walking out without you
You will kill or be killed
It's about progress
I've got a taste for blood

Wake up sleepyhead
It's happening without you
Such a nice guy
You tell me everything twice
Whipcrack speed jump
We will run backwards
Stop being so laissez-faire
We're all scared of the future

We make plans for big times
Get bogged down, distracted
We make plans for good times
All neon, all surface
So kiss me before it all gets complicated
I've got a taste for blood

OK, creepy? YES, very. Now, the song sounds like it would not say anything like that. I had been listening to this song for months before I finally heard the lyrics. Then I looked them up and was like, "omfg, this song is morbid." But it's such an un-morbid sounding song! It tricks you, it's mean. Look up the song Plans by Block Party and play it for yourself to see. It does not sound like it'd be that creepy, but, of course, it is. Cool, huh?

This is Ava signing off.

WAIT! I must give you a picture as a reward for reading my really, really care.

Cute, huh? That's norman, my spider. I wub him. I less than three him. I two-down him.

Friday, September 29, 2006

School is a Fun Time to Write.

I wrote this in class during are bullying thingie.

I shall draw...someone
Lisa? Nope, already did.
Hmm...I could draw Toby
and his balding self.
Woops, gotta update my blog.
Lisa's like a tyrant. "Ari, Ari *snaps* STOP."
Woops, Paul broke a pencil. Haha,
Sam's fake sleeping.
"Hey, Harper, fake wake up now."
I shall post this on my blog.
Hmm, I shall post the picture I haven't
drawn yet as well. And I shall post all
of my line breaks. Yup, I shall.
My hand hurts, I wish I had my
computer. Hmm...I haven't updated
any of my stories. I shall update
WNTMJ. Hahaha, no one knows what that means.
And if you do PLEASE REVIEW.
I kinda like my handwriting.
Just kinda. Eamon pushed me today
and I fell in the woodchips.
PE or science now? PS, I'm writing
this during basegroup. HEY!
Go to
Woo! Check out my ART.
(I'm devious)

Then the picture...

For those who can't see it it says TOBY at the top. The arrows say:

<--Slightly balding


<--One big shoe (don't know why)

Then under it says:

I asked Chris if
he liked it so he said
"Who is it?"
Me: *points to the name* "Toby."
Chris: *points to the picture* "Who is it?"
Me. "Toby!"
Chris: "...Oh." *raises eyebrows*

THAT WAS FUN, WASN'T IT?!!??! Here's the full picture:

Bye bye!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


OK, this picture is kinda a HUGE spoiler for the new season of The Office, and it's INSANE. Be sure to read the badges!!


OMG, DID THAT BLOW YOUR MIND!!?! I kinda was expecting that to happen, but OMG!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


OK, I know I'm probably boring you with all my school things, but this is my blog so I do what I want, ya dig? You see, I just said "ya dig?" which is totally lame, and is something I would never usually say, but it's my blog so I said it. OK, here is another one of my attempts at writing.

OK, must write a thesis. OK.....Um...what is my thesis? My thesis is that these computers with the tiny keys and delete buttons are super annoying. On my computer the \ button isn't there and the delete button is. I'’m mad. How shall I start?

Change my first paragraph.

First paragraph...

Then, if you didn't catch on, I put my first paragraph.

Now, lets talk more about me. Well, just me talking, but whatever. OK, so all this stupid school is SUPER interrupting me from writing my eleven, soon to be 14 (hopefully) stories. I'm REALLY mad cause I haven't updated anything in, like, 2 or 3 weeks. And it's not so much that I think I'm disappointing the people who read my stories, it's that I want to know what happens next, and I can't if I don't write. And no, I don't brainstorm when I'm not with my computer.

OMG, I'm learning Russian, isn't that awesome? Yes, I know.

Haha, new topic already. OK Go is the coolest band in the world(for some reason that looks like it's spelled wrong)! Or foolest if you like Scott Westerfeld. (inside joke with myself, and maybe a select few). HAHA! Shall I post a picture? I shall.

AWWW, so special! This is the first picture I EVER posted on my blog! Are you touched, I am. haha. THE OFFICE IS BACK ON SEPTEMBER 21!! Me so happy!