Wednesday, September 06, 2006


NOOOO! School's back, I've gotten a butt-load of homework since the FIRST DAY which was Tuesday. I don't think I've ever had homework on the first day in the history of school. We have to do this stupid narcissistic essay, AND I HATE IT. I keep thinking whenever I wake up I'll be able to fall asleep again, BUT I CAN'T. Yes, I realize I'm going a bit caps crazy, but I don't care.

OK, I've come to the conclusion that Bill Nighy is the bestest actor in the world…besides Johnny Depp, Vincent D'onofrio, and Geoffrey Rush…but still! He's sooo awesome! He's in approximately 1,000,000 movies, and their all FABULOUS! He has a smallish part in this movie Enduring Love. It's a weird creepy stalker movie, but it's really good and Bill's awesome in it.

K, so Daria's pretty much the best show ever and I NEVER see it, it sucks. It's not out on DVD and it's not on TV, so what's a crazed fan to do? Buy a shirt, that's it. Myself is itchy cause it's really hot despite the thunderstorm threatening to cool the world (yes, the world) down. So...bye. OH, wait! PICTURE!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Geoffrey Rush, hehe.


Blogger Mo said...

Hey Ava! I'm sorry that you're recieving so much homework already. Once school gets up and ready, I'll be getting butt-loads aswell! I'm so excited about basketball! Tell everyone at Kazoo that I say "Hi" and that Portage Central Middle is completley different than Kazoo.

P.s. Don't waste your coupons too soon!

9:57 PM  
Blogger Mo said...

Oh, forgot to say... Love the picture. And what other movies is this Bill guy in?


9:58 PM  

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