Friday, September 29, 2006

School is a Fun Time to Write.

I wrote this in class during are bullying thingie.

I shall draw...someone
Lisa? Nope, already did.
Hmm...I could draw Toby
and his balding self.
Woops, gotta update my blog.
Lisa's like a tyrant. "Ari, Ari *snaps* STOP."
Woops, Paul broke a pencil. Haha,
Sam's fake sleeping.
"Hey, Harper, fake wake up now."
I shall post this on my blog.
Hmm, I shall post the picture I haven't
drawn yet as well. And I shall post all
of my line breaks. Yup, I shall.
My hand hurts, I wish I had my
computer. Hmm...I haven't updated
any of my stories. I shall update
WNTMJ. Hahaha, no one knows what that means.
And if you do PLEASE REVIEW.
I kinda like my handwriting.
Just kinda. Eamon pushed me today
and I fell in the woodchips.
PE or science now? PS, I'm writing
this during basegroup. HEY!
Go to
Woo! Check out my ART.
(I'm devious)

Then the picture...

For those who can't see it it says TOBY at the top. The arrows say:

<--Slightly balding


<--One big shoe (don't know why)

Then under it says:

I asked Chris if
he liked it so he said
"Who is it?"
Me: *points to the name* "Toby."
Chris: *points to the picture* "Who is it?"
Me. "Toby!"
Chris: "...Oh." *raises eyebrows*

THAT WAS FUN, WASN'T IT?!!??! Here's the full picture:

Bye bye!


Blogger Mo said...

i love toby! hah.
it's sweet how you got those pictures on there. did you scan it or take a picture of it?
its kinda creepy how all your posts are like an INNEr VOICE lol

6:12 PM  
Blogger Ava said...

Hehe, I took a picture of it. Inner voice? Weirdo.

6:24 PM  

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