Friday, September 29, 2006

School is a Fun Time to Write.

I wrote this in class during are bullying thingie.

I shall draw...someone
Lisa? Nope, already did.
Hmm...I could draw Toby
and his balding self.
Woops, gotta update my blog.
Lisa's like a tyrant. "Ari, Ari *snaps* STOP."
Woops, Paul broke a pencil. Haha,
Sam's fake sleeping.
"Hey, Harper, fake wake up now."
I shall post this on my blog.
Hmm, I shall post the picture I haven't
drawn yet as well. And I shall post all
of my line breaks. Yup, I shall.
My hand hurts, I wish I had my
computer. Hmm...I haven't updated
any of my stories. I shall update
WNTMJ. Hahaha, no one knows what that means.
And if you do PLEASE REVIEW.
I kinda like my handwriting.
Just kinda. Eamon pushed me today
and I fell in the woodchips.
PE or science now? PS, I'm writing
this during basegroup. HEY!
Go to
Woo! Check out my ART.
(I'm devious)

Then the picture...

For those who can't see it it says TOBY at the top. The arrows say:

<--Slightly balding


<--One big shoe (don't know why)

Then under it says:

I asked Chris if
he liked it so he said
"Who is it?"
Me: *points to the name* "Toby."
Chris: *points to the picture* "Who is it?"
Me. "Toby!"
Chris: "...Oh." *raises eyebrows*

THAT WAS FUN, WASN'T IT?!!??! Here's the full picture:

Bye bye!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


OK, this picture is kinda a HUGE spoiler for the new season of The Office, and it's INSANE. Be sure to read the badges!!


OMG, DID THAT BLOW YOUR MIND!!?! I kinda was expecting that to happen, but OMG!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


OK, I know I'm probably boring you with all my school things, but this is my blog so I do what I want, ya dig? You see, I just said "ya dig?" which is totally lame, and is something I would never usually say, but it's my blog so I said it. OK, here is another one of my attempts at writing.

OK, must write a thesis. OK.....Um...what is my thesis? My thesis is that these computers with the tiny keys and delete buttons are super annoying. On my computer the \ button isn't there and the delete button is. I'’m mad. How shall I start?

Change my first paragraph.

First paragraph...

Then, if you didn't catch on, I put my first paragraph.

Now, lets talk more about me. Well, just me talking, but whatever. OK, so all this stupid school is SUPER interrupting me from writing my eleven, soon to be 14 (hopefully) stories. I'm REALLY mad cause I haven't updated anything in, like, 2 or 3 weeks. And it's not so much that I think I'm disappointing the people who read my stories, it's that I want to know what happens next, and I can't if I don't write. And no, I don't brainstorm when I'm not with my computer.

OMG, I'm learning Russian, isn't that awesome? Yes, I know.

Haha, new topic already. OK Go is the coolest band in the world(for some reason that looks like it's spelled wrong)! Or foolest if you like Scott Westerfeld. (inside joke with myself, and maybe a select few). HAHA! Shall I post a picture? I shall.

AWWW, so special! This is the first picture I EVER posted on my blog! Are you touched, I am. haha. THE OFFICE IS BACK ON SEPTEMBER 21!! Me so happy!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


OK, so I had "writers block" again at school, so this is what I wrote.

Attempt 1:

I don’t know what I’m supposed to write at the moment. I THINK I’m supposed to compare and contrast my first two paragraphs, but I’m not really sure how to do that. Isn’t that fun!? Yeah, no. My teacher is right behind me and she thinks I’m typing my paper...I think. Anyway, I don’t know. Let’s shall I compare and contrast two paragraphs that are exactly the same, while trying not to be completely tedious? I don’t know either. I went home yesterday, and now I have a stomach ache, it’s achy. Mmm...Hmm well. I don’t know.

Attempt 2:

This is what I’m typing. I am typing random babble. This is my feeble attempt in pushing useful words out. My feeble attempt is useless, of course. My muscles are all very sore for some reason, and they get tired VERY quickly. It’s quite annoying. I have to stop typing after every sentence ’cause my arms are sore. I think it might have something to do with yesterday, but I’m not sure. This is my second failed attempt at typing, and I’ll soon have a third. Hello, my name is Ava. Hello, my name is Ava. GERSH. It always says my name is spelled wrong on spell check. Haha, I confused Lisa by switching documents! Switch swatches in the sewing room! WOW! I just came up with a tongue tie! Switch swatches in the sewing room. Switch swatches in the sewing room. Lisa likes to repeat all the stories she tells about 40 times, it’s funny. GERSH! I keep messing up when I try to type.

Attempt 3:

Learn. The meaning of learn is mystical, but I still like the definition. How shall I put this...learning is like chasing flies. You never actually catch them unless you kill them. What does that have to do with learning? Well, I really have no idea, I also really have no idea what the purpose of learning is. Lisa is silly, she is copying every word I write, but not really. She’s kinda just paraphrasing, though, she spelled it wrong. Now she’s giggling at something. CHUCKLE! Haha, Car likes his two front teeth. I just kinda punched Lisa in the arm. EHHHH, I WAS GONNA SAY SOMETHING! My leg itches. OH! I remember! I HATE THIS COMPUTER! Lisa is such a weird weirdo.

And with attempt 4 I finally started to get somewhere:

Free writing on a third topic

Assignment I don’t like V assignment I like.

OR, possibly nope, never mind.

FOCUS! OK, OK, I shall write.

With students dabbling all around me, showing little interest in the current assignment, I find it very hard to concentrate. I switch ideas over and over again in my head, none of them satisfying my

Yep, that's all I could come up with. Couldn't come up with that last word, that's how sucky a class is to write in. I NEED MY MUSIC!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


This is what I wrote at school today, about a half an hour before I went home sick. (I almost fainted…again.

Uuuuugh, I don’t know. I don’t want to doooo this. I don’t feel good, I want to go home. My home is right there <=, so why can’t I go? Well, I can, but I’d get in trouble, and I FEEL CRAPPY. I wanna go home. L GRR! L L LLLLJ<=DIE! HAPPY SMILES ARE BAD! I really don’t want to be in this room with Eamon, he is being overly annoying. EAMON IS A POOPY BRAIN. OR...a poopy Brian. He could be a poopy Brian, it’s very possible. Well...I think a poopy brain is more possible, but STILL. He COULD be a poopy BRIAN! OMG, I AM SO POSTING THIS ON MY BLOG. Hahahah, I said blong, instead of blog, cause I am being annoyed at the moment, so I can’t type. “Why do you have to be that way, Ava, why can’t ypu accept my love?” Well. Eamon, it’s because you’re a poopy Brian, and you poop on Brian and brains. Those are two VERY bad things. I think Eamon just said that once he got really mad and pooped in his pance. Eamon keeps hurting littlies.

Very insightful, I know. PS, I love you Eamon!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


NOOOO! School's back, I've gotten a butt-load of homework since the FIRST DAY which was Tuesday. I don't think I've ever had homework on the first day in the history of school. We have to do this stupid narcissistic essay, AND I HATE IT. I keep thinking whenever I wake up I'll be able to fall asleep again, BUT I CAN'T. Yes, I realize I'm going a bit caps crazy, but I don't care.

OK, I've come to the conclusion that Bill Nighy is the bestest actor in the world…besides Johnny Depp, Vincent D'onofrio, and Geoffrey Rush…but still! He's sooo awesome! He's in approximately 1,000,000 movies, and their all FABULOUS! He has a smallish part in this movie Enduring Love. It's a weird creepy stalker movie, but it's really good and Bill's awesome in it.

K, so Daria's pretty much the best show ever and I NEVER see it, it sucks. It's not out on DVD and it's not on TV, so what's a crazed fan to do? Buy a shirt, that's it. Myself is itchy cause it's really hot despite the thunderstorm threatening to cool the world (yes, the world) down. So...bye. OH, wait! PICTURE!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Geoffrey Rush, hehe.