Wednesday, May 31, 2006

nope, nope, nope

I've decided there are no events this week, because I'm tired, and was confused yesterday. Ugh, it's Wednesday. Anyway, we had feild day today. It pretty much sucked, but I did learn something about my best friend Mittchell: Someone called him dumb. Well, that's kinda about him, even though it's just something someone said. Ehh. My head hurts, and I don't want to take any medicine cause that would require me to get up, which is just not possible. IT IS SO FUGGIN HOT! No one looks at my blog anymore. :(
I am tired, kinda. I wanna go to sleep, kinda. BYE! No, just kidding. Imma give you all a picture:

Thursday, May 25, 2006

**The Song Spot**

The Song Spot has a new rule: Only one line of the lyrics. Haha, now it's harder to find online! OK, so here's the line.

And we were done, done, done with all the fu-fu-fuckin around.

Haha, fun line. NOW GUESS!

By the way, here's a sad clown.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

**The Gir Spot**

This week on The Gir Spot you get to see a video. In the episode the video takes place, Zim makes a new chip for Gir, which works very well, and he intends to use it on the little trip they take. Zim turns Gir off, takes a bus across the City, and turns Gir back on, only to find he left the chip back home. They end up at some gas station, where Gir dances. (You are about to hear the best music you will ever hear in your life)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Special Treat

I have a special treat. It's pretty much the best video ever, so, yeah. Hera-go.
(By the way, wait for it to load)

**The Jim Spot**

Ah, another week of events, starting off, of course, with The Jim Spot.

This was never really seen in any episode, but I'm sure there was a strong visual for all of you when it was told about in Conflict Resolution. Jim, every day, would put more and more nickels into Dwights phone. One day, when Dwight was used to the weight, he took them all out, causing Dwight to hit himself in the face with his phone. Bravo, Jim.

Monday, May 22, 2006



My Room!

OMG! I just cleaned entire room, it was insane. I put away my three hampers full of clothes, then I got everything off of my bed (I had piles of things) and put away all of my DVDs and games, then vaccumed my bed. It hurt my back. And I wasn't even fully dressed because I had just gotten out of the shower.

I'm avoiding doing my homework because I'm horrible, and I don't like homework. EAMON WON'T LEAVE. Ugh, he's still here, and he's talking, and trying to catch a ball, but he can't. So, it's really annoying. Anyway, you must remember this is my place to complain, and your place to listen.

Friday, May 19, 2006


I am going to bed cause I am tired, but I just wanted to say night night to anybody reading this blog at night. I hope I am leaving you with an image that will be peaceful to dream about...

Guess the song and win...a...yay.

Guess the song, who it's by, and what it's called. One guess each. Yay.

Having spent your entire life
Exactly where you are tonight
In the valley between intent and deed

You must have mastered this
The fragile art of a good excuse
And the little things that get you to believe

So listen Im not trying to prove anything at all here
But don't you think that maybe this time you were wrong?

Youve spent your entire life
Quick-tongued and always right
Hasnt being just right let you down (right just let you down)

So listen Im not trying to say anything at all here
There isnt much thats left any that hasn't been said
But don't you think that possibly this time its different
Don't you think that maybe time you were wrong?

So listen Im not trying to say anything at all here
There isnt much thats left any that hasn't been said
But don't you think that possibly this time its different
Don't you think that maybe time you were wrong?

New Event

OK, my last new even (probably not, I get bored easily). Every week I'm gonna write song lyrics, and you have to guess who it's by, and what the song is. Only one guess each, and no cheating, Morgan. I like my weekly events, so, yeah, this is what I think: The Jim Spot is updated Tuesdays, The Gir Spot is updated Wednesdays, and The Song Spot will be Thursdays. OK, that's all, bye.


I have a headache. My blog is making me mad, because I don't have the bar on the top of the edit page where I can change the color, and faunt(hehe) so I had to go to an HTML code website, and try to do it right. At the moment I'm not sure if this will work, but I'm crossing my fingers. Pearl and Bri are about to go see RV, and I'm gonna guess the movie will suck. The only reason the thought of seeing the movie ever crossed my mind, was that one of my favorite actors is in it. No, not Robin Williams, and NO, NOT JOJO. It's up to you to guess. Haha. I'm listening to Death Cab For Cutie, Tiny Vessels and it's a really good song. I like it, and listen to it often. It says that I've played it 133 times on my computer, so, yeah, I'm cool. I'm also hungry, which isn't good because the only food here is chicken noodle soup, which I'm not in the mood for. Anyway, this is my place to complain, so I'm doing it.

Internet, yo (yo ma)

This is the picture I found when I was looking for pictures of John Krasinski, and for some reason I came up with this. I even clicked on a picture of John Krasinski, and it came up like this...huh.

Anyway, you all have to start saying Yo Yo Ma, just all the time, for anything. And, you,of course,have to give my sister Lyric credit.

And, of course we get a new tradition, so I will be doing this, and The Jim Spot.

**The Gir Spot**
In the picture I am about to show you, Gir and Zim are eating those Dip Sticks (or whatever). The scene goes like this:
Zim: sits down, "What are you watching?"
Gir: "Angry Monkey. How's Ultra Peepee?"
Zim: "Taken care of."



I just re-did my blog, which used to be, but is now this. I am tired, and mad, and...ugh. DON'T MARRY ROY.

This is a pretty boring day. No homework (not that I'm complaining) and not a lot of other stuff going on. Plus, it's thursday and there's no new episode of The Office. I miss Jim...

Any way, there's still a lot of The Office fun (sounds like an advertisement) on fanfiction. It's a lot of fun reading, unless you can't read, then sorry. But, it's less boring cause I just got the final season of Six Feet Under, but I'm too giddy with aniticipation for seeing the final episode (which I've already seen) to pay that much attention to what's happening now. Plus I just feel bad for Ruth the whole time...and pretty much everyone else.

Well, this is gonna be a new tradition, starting now, I'll try to do it every week:

**The Jim Spot**

This week we will reminisce one of the first season pranks Jim pulled. When Dwight was looking in his desk to find his stapler, he found that *someone* had put it in Jell-O. "Damnit! He did it again! This is the third time, and the first two weren't funny either," he exclaimed, slamming his fist on the desk. The camera panned to Jim who was eating Jell-O, who replied, "How do you it was me?" With, by the way, the cutest look on his face. Then there are jokes about biggest *flan* and custerdy. It was great, lets remember...